Clinical Trials

How Real-World Data Can Improve Healthcare in Africa

There are several healthcare-related problems in Africa. These are usually due to factors, like geographic isolation, economic disparities, and unequal access to medical resources.  In this blog post, we'll explore how real-world data (RWD) can improve healthcare in Africa, and we'll highlight Infiuss Health's pioneering efforts in this field.

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Dr. Peace Chikezie

Published 08 Sep 2023

How Real-World Data Can Improve Healthcare in Africa - Infiuss Health


Healthcare in Africa is a blend of art and science. It involves the latest medical research(science) and the compassionate care(an art) provided by healthcare professionals. 

But it's not without its challenges, especially in a continent as diverse and vast as Africa. 

In this blog post, we'll explore how real-world data (RWD) can improve healthcare in Africa, and we'll highlight Infiuss Health's pioneering efforts in this field.


What is Real-World Data?


Real World Data(RWD) comprises the healthcare information collected outside the controlled environments of clinical trials. 

It includes data from:

  1. Electronic health records (EHRs),
  2. Healthcare claims, 
  3. Patient registries,
  4. Wearable devices. And others.

These data are like puzzle pieces, and when put together, they form a vivid picture of healthcare in the real world.

What is the Difference Between Clinical Trials Data and  Real-World Data?


Clinical trial data are important, no doubt, but they have limitations. They often involve controlled settings with selected patient groups, which may not accurately represent the diversity of real-world patients.

RWD, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive view of how treatments work in diverse populations and everyday healthcare settings.


The Role of Real-World Data in Healthcare Worldwide 

Real-world data (RWD) is not confined by borders

It is reshaping healthcare practices globally. 

Let's briefly describe the impact of  RWD in different parts of the globe:


1. Precision Medicine: 

By collecting and analyzing RWD from electronic health records, genomic data, and patient-reported outcomes, researchers are tailoring treatments to individuals. 

For instance, the use of RWD has led to the identification of specific genetic markers that predict how certain cancer patients will respond to particular therapies, allowing for highly personalized treatment plans.


2. Pandemic Response: 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian countries like South Korea and Taiwan leveraged RWD from sources like contact tracing apps. 

This data-driven approach helped in swift and effective containment measures, demonstrating how RWD can be vital in managing public health crises.


3. Drug Development: 

Global pharmaceutical companies are increasingly working with large-scale RWD. This has allowed them to pool data from different regions to better understand the effectiveness and safety of medications across diverse populations. 

The Role of RWD in Overcoming the Challenges in African Healthcare 

There are several healthcare-related problems in Africa.

These are usually due to factors, like geographic isolation, economic disparities, and unequal access to medical resources. 

RWD can be a solution to some of these challenges.


1. Geographic Disparities

In rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, access to healthcare facilities is often limited due to long distances and poor road infrastructure. 

RWD can help identify underserved regions and guide the establishment of mobile clinics or primary health centers to reach remote populations, ensuring they receive essential care.


2. Economic Challenges 

In regions with varying economic statuses, access to healthcare would likely vary as well. 

RWD can be used to pinpoint areas where financial barriers prevent patients from seeking necessary treatments. This data can inform targeted healthcare subsidy programs, outreaches, or community health worker initiatives, thus bridging the economic gap in healthcare.


3. Infrastructure and Resource Limitations

Limited healthcare infrastructure and resources are significant hurdles to providing comprehensive healthcare in Africa. 

Many healthcare facilities struggle with inadequate staff, medical equipment, and funding. 

However, RWD can play a pivotal role in optimizing resource allocation and driving cost-effective interventions, making the best use of available resources.

For instance, maternal and child health programs often suffer from resource limitations. 

RWD can identify areas with high maternal and infant mortality rates. With this data, healthcare organizations can prioritize the allocation of medical personnel, equipment, and prenatal care services, leading to improved outcomes for mothers and newborns.


Infiuss Health's Unique Approach

Infiuss Health is at the forefront of the real-world data revolution in Africa. 

We are building a unique infrastructure for collecting and analyzing healthcare data from diverse sources across the continent.

Benefits of Real-World Data in Health Care


1. Efficient Resource Allocation:

RWD plays a crucial role in optimizing healthcare resource allocation. 

For instance, in South Africa, where the burden of HIV/AIDS is high, RWD can identify the regions with the highest prevalence. 

This information guides the allocation of antiretroviral drugs and healthcare personnel to areas where they are needed most, reducing bureaucracy and ensuring resources are directed efficiently.

2. Accelerating Drug Development:

The impact of RWD on drug development is quite clear. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies used RWD from vaccine trials to analyze how effective the vaccine was and its side effects. 

This hastened the vaccine development and approval processes, allowing for the rapid deployment of vaccines to protect populations globally.

3. Rare Disease Research:

When it comes to rare diseases, clinical trial recruitment can be challenging, but RWD is a game-changer. 

By analyzing data from patients with rare diseases, researchers can identify potential treatments and therapies more rapidly. This offers hope to individuals who previously had limited treatment options.

4. Early Disease Detection and Management:

RWD enables proactive disease surveillance by identifying trends and patterns. This is crucial for early detection of infectious diseases, such as outbreaks of Ebola or emerging pathogens.

With timely access to RWD, healthcare systems can also implement preventative measures more effectively. 

5. Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Policy Formulation:

Policymakers can use RWD to make evidence-based decisions and formulate policies that are based on facts. 

It provides the evidence needed to secure investments in critical areas like infrastructure, training, and medical supplies.



Real-world data is the key to unlocking healthcare advancements in Africa.

Infiuss Health's pioneering efforts in collecting and analyzing this data in Africa, are paving the way for more effective, efficient, and accessible healthcare across the continent.

Our vision extends beyond borders. We aim to expand our real-world data collection efforts to reach every corner of Africa.

Learn more about us by contacting [email protected].


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