Accelerating Clinical Research

Infiuss Health delivers scalability and efficiency for clinical research by providing a unified platform for all your research needs.

Infiuss Health

Our Clinical Research Solutions

We believe that life sciences companies can benefit from a single system that streamlines human subject-based research processes.

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The Top 10 Causes Of Obesity: A Physicians Guide

You may have heard the phrase "it's all about willpower" when it comes to losing weight, but as a physician, I see the reality every day that obesity is much more complex than that.  Read on to learn more.

Physicians Guide to Managing Gouty Arthritis: Treatment, and Lifestyle Changes for Relief

If you've ever abruptly woken up due to a sharp pain in your big toe, so intense that even the weight of a bed sheet or your blanket feels unbearable, you might be experiencing a gout attack.  Read on to learn how this can be managed.

Nurses' Guide: How Weight Loss Can Reduce Joint Pain & Inflammation

Weight loss can be painful emotionally, but joint pain related to being overweight affects our emotions and our physical health. Read on to learn more about it.

Why Infiuss Health?

New drugs, vaccines, and other medical advances are slowing. In 2023, fewer than 60 new drugs were approved by the FDA in the US, marking a 55% decrease from the previous year and the lowest level since 2016.


Clinical research involves many fragmented and complex processes across various platforms, vendors, databases etc. This fragmentation slows down research and product development. We eliminate fragmentation by bringing these processes under one system.


Most trials are conducted as unique efforts with substantial costs to assemble various resources. Our tech-enabled systems give you economies of scale so you don’t need to start from scratch.

Limited access to participants

Access to patients is a primary bottleneck that life science companies face, and patient recruitment is a significant cost, comprising 30% of clinical research budgets. Patients often don't know about trials, and referrals are disincentivized. We have access to a wide patient population and streamline patient recruitment to bring costs down.


Recent FDA guidelines recommend the inclusion of diverse population demographics in medical research, adding complexity to patient recruitment. We have access to a diverse patient population across the US, Europe, and Africa.

Data management issues

Data silos, duplicative collection, variability in standards and access severely restrict the synthesis and application of clinical research data to derive crucial insights. We systemize the collection and curation of data.

Disconnect between clinical research and participants

The detachment of clinical research from frontline practice restricts patient diversity, evidence collection, treatment access, and hinders progress across the care continuum. We bridge the clinical and research worlds for you.

Infiuss Health
Infiuss Health

Who We Serve

Infiuss Health brings scalable clinical solutions to the following stakeholders.

Pharmaceutical research has strong headwinds. Infiuss Health provides the solutions you need to run your clinical research.

Pharma Companies

From medical device manufacturers to biotech companies, Infiuss helps scale in your research so you can go to market.

Life Sciences Firms

Contract research organizations leverage Infiuss Health to bring efficiencies and resources for their clients’ success.


Governments and governmental agencies use our powerful capabilities to conduct clinical research efficiently.


Your Gateway to Accessing Diverse Participants

Infiuss Health has a significant footprint in Africa, the United States, and Europe. We can connect you with genetically-diverse populations so that your research is more robust.

Infiuss Health

Clinical Research
Use Cases

Clinical Research Use Cases

Interested in leveraging Infiuss Health for your clinical research? Here are some examples of how we’ve helped other life sciences organizations.

Ananya Health—Cervical Cancer

Feasibility study assessing the knowledge of experienced oncologists and healthcare personnel on the therapeutic approaches and management of cervical cancer in Cameroon through online interviews.

Elythea—Maternal Health

Evaluation of risk factors and co-morbidities of postpartum hemorrhaging (PPH) for the development of machine learning methods to predict PPH necessitating transfusion in obstetric patients.


Acquisition and shipping of plasma samples from convalescent patients infected with Covid-19 for the development of reference antibody panels.

Digistain—Breast Cancer

Feasibility study assessing the knowledge of experienced oncologists and healthcare professionals on the best practice, therapeutic approaches, and management of breast cancer in Cameroon through online interviews.


Acquisition and shipping of plasma samples from convalescent patients infected with Monkeypox for the development of reference antibody panels.

How we do this

Curated Data for Your Research

We collect and curate valuable data directly from patients and healthcare professionals, ensuring relevance and quality

Direct Research Access

Researchers and life science companies gain direct access to the data they need, cutting through the noise.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrate our platform into your research projects, streamlining data acquisition.

Patient Insights

Our platform provides a channel for patient information and feedback, enriching research endeavors


Access a diverse pool of patient data from various healthcare settings and demographics across 2 continents; Africa and the United States.

Infiuss Health
Infiuss Health

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