Clinical Trials

How is Technology Driving Diversity in Clinical Trials?

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Samantha Trolli

Published 13 May 2022 - Updated 13 May 2022

How is Technology Driving Diversity in Clinical Trials? - Infiuss Health


      Enhancing diversity in clinical trials allows for better care and treatment options. By taking into consideration any differences our genetics may present, treatments become more efficient and reliable to whomever seeks them. Alongside this, when diversity is promoted during clinical trials, a more diverse population is given the opportunity to receive new – and possibly life changing – medical treatment. Clinical trials aim to discover new health interventions, technologies, and medicines which are able to treat the spectrum of clinical disorders and diseases. Yet, there is a disconnect between the research being done and the diverse population of the world. How can new discoveries lead to new treatments for all, when all are not being studied? This dilemma has been recognized by researchers, leading to new platforms and strategies being developed. The goal – to bridge the gap between the minority and the researcher.

      It is clear that technology has provided a platform which allows for communication across the world. The research community has recognized this and companies like Infiuss Health are using this to their advantage. Online platforms, especially social media platforms, allow the researcher to connect with a large base of hard to reach populations. Another benefit to remote platforms and social media, is that online documents/posts can be easily translated to cater to any native language. In the end, this allows for one study to gain participants from all over the world with a larger range of ages. 

      Wearable health tech has recently become extremely popular in the research community. These devices are now used as legitimate and accepted sources which collect data remotely, decentralizing the trial. Wearable health devices have allowed the opportunity for clinical trials to be connected remotely. Patients/subjects who are given wearable health devices for a clinical trial no longer need to adjust their schedules, arrange travel plans, or miss time at work. The removal of travel also promotes a larger pool of participants. On a smaller scale, sites which are located in suburbs, can now have participants who live in cities,  vise-versa. 

      Modern technology has multiple platforms which provide the researcher with the tools to enhance the diversity of their trials. Wearable health devices allow clinical trials to reach farther just in the community when recruiting participants. While online platforms go one step further with the ability to post in multiple languages, increasing their chance of a more global range of participants. Both platforms allow researchers to find a more diverse range of possible participants, promoting a clinical trial which consists of a “real-world-population.”

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