Physician's Guide: Hepatitis B and Safe Sex - Infiuss Health

Physician's Guide: Hepatitis B and Safe Sex

Can you still have an awesome sex life with Hepatitis B? In this guide, I will answer all your questions or concerns you may have about your sexual health.

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Dr. Peace Chikezie

14 Feb 2024

Hey there! Dr. Peace here. I am sure you must have heard so much about hepatitis. And you might be wondering ' Can I still have an awesome sex life with Hepatitis B?' 

Don't worry, you're not doomed to celibacy!

In this guide, I will answer all your questions or concerns you may have about your sexual health.

Can You Have a Sex Life with Hepatitis B?

Absolutely! Having Hepatitis B doesn't mean the end of your sex life. 

While Hepatitis B can be sexually transmitted, the risk varies depending on factors like viral load and the use of protection.

With some precautions, you can still enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

So, How Can You Stay Safe?

  • Use Condoms Consistently: Condoms are your best friend when it comes to protecting yourself and your partner from Hepatitis B and other STIs. Make sure to use them every time you have sex, whether it's vaginal, anal, or oral.

  • If you or your partner have cuts or sores, it's best to avoid sexual activity until they heal to prevent the exchange of blood, which can carry the virus.

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What About Oral Sex?

Hepatitis B can be transmitted through semen, vaginal fluids, and blood, which means oral sex carries a risk of transmission too.

To reduce the risk of transmission during oral sex, consider using protection such as condoms or dental dams.

  • Condoms can be used for men to cover the penis during oral sex

  • Dental dams are thin, flexible barriers that can be used for women. They are usually  placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex

What If You're in a Long-Term Relationship?

a happy couple

If you and your partner are both Hepatitis B-positive

There's no need to worry about transmission between the two of you. However, it's still important to practice safe sex to prevent other infections.

If one partner is Hepatitis B positive and the other is negative

Talk to your healthcare provider about vaccination for the negative partner and other ways to reduce the risk of transmission.  Additionally, practicing safe sex, such as using condoms consistently and correctly during sexual activity, can further reduce the risk of transmission.

Be a part of the solution

There are a lot of ongoing hepatitis research studies currently ongoing

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  • Your answers are confidential and anonymous.

  • The questionnaire takes just a few minutes to complete.

  • Every voice counts – yours included!

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Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment options.

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