Understanding the Link Between Arthritis and Mental Health: A Physician's Guide - Infiuss Health

Understanding the Link Between Arthritis and Mental Health: A Physician's Guide

If you have been battling with Arthritis, then let's talk about something important: how this condition can sometimes affect your mental well-being.

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Dr. Peace Chikezie

13 Mar 2024

If you have been battling with Arthritis, then let's talk about something important: how this condition can sometimes affect your mental well-being.

You may already know this feeling. The constant aches, stiffness, and limitations arthritis brings can sometimes be so frustrating and even overwhelming.

This article sheds light on the connection between arthritis and mental health. Remember, managing your mental health is just as important as controlling your arthritis symptoms. 

Arthritis: How it Affects Your Mental Wellbeing

Living with arthritis often means battling with so many things that could begin to wear you down emotionally. 

Let's discuss some of them: 

Chronic Pain

The constant discomfort you experience can lead to a feeling of being trapped in your own body. This, too, can trigger feelings of hopelessness, anger, and even resentment. Sound familiar?

Loss of Independence

Simple activities like walking, climbing stairs, or getting dressed can become big challenges. Losing the ability to do things you once enjoyed can be so isolating. And the result? Frustration and reduced self-esteem or confidence.

Sleep Disruption

 You might be wondering 'How about my sleep?' Oh yes, I haven't forgotten that. Arthritis pain often makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. 

The next morning you feel constantly tired, in a low mood, and with very low energy levels. What follows that? Irritability and exhaustion

It's important to remember that the way you feel and your responses to the arthritic problems you are dealing with are all natural responses.   

Let's discuss some common mental health concerns linked with arthritis. 

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Living with Arthritis: Recognizing Common Mental Health Concerns

The constant battle with arthritis can sometimes lead to the development of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. 

Here's a closer look at what that might look like:


This isn't just feeling down for a day or two. That happens often. But when you begin to have a persistent feeling of sadness or emptiness that lasts for weeks at a time, then you may likely be having depression.

 You might experience:

  •   Loss of interest: Activities you once enjoyed now seem pointless. 

  •   Changes in appetite: You might eat significantly less or more than usual.

  •   Fatigue: Even small tasks leave you feeling drained.

  •   Difficulty concentrating: Focusing on work or hobbies becomes a struggle.

  •   Thoughts of worthlessness or hopelessness: Negative self-talk and a feeling of despair can become prevalent.


You may have anxiety if you are constantly in a state of worry and unease about your condition.  

Common signs include:

  •  Excessive worry: You might find yourself constantly fretting about the future, even about minor things.

  •   Restlessness: Feeling agitated and unable to relax or sit still is common. 

  •   Trouble concentrating: The constant mental chatter makes it difficult to focus on tasks.

  •   Physical symptoms: Anxiety can also manifest as muscle tension, headaches, and difficulty breathing.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, that does not mean that you are weak.  But what can you do about them?

How to Take Charge of Your Mental Well-Being with Arthritis

As mentioned earlier, when it comes to arthritis, handling your mental health concerns is just as important as managing your physical symptoms.   

You can take charge by:

  • Open Communication: There is no shame in seeking help. Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about any emotional struggles you're experiencing. They can screen you for depression and anxiety and guide you toward the best resources for you. 

  • Therapy: Talking to a therapist can provide a safe space for you to process your emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and learn strategies for managing stress, anxiety, or even feelings of depression.

  • Medication:  In some serious cases, medication might be recommended by your doctor to manage symptoms of depression or anxiety. In that case, try to follow your doctor's advice.

  • Stay active: Regular exercise, especially low-impact activities like walking or swimming doesn't worsen your pain, and can significantly improve your mood and energy levels. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, focusing on activities that are comfortable for your joints. This can be broken down into smaller chunks, like 30 minutes most days of the week.

  • Connect with others: Social interaction and a strong support system from family or friends who understand what you are going through can help you combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. Do check out some arthritis support groups in your area.

  • Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help you manage stress and promote better sleep.

Studies show that nearly 1 in 5 people with arthritis experience anxiety or depression.

That's a significant number. So you see that you're not alone in facing these challenges. Don't give up on doing your utmost to take charge of your health.

Be a Part of the Solution

There are a lot of arthritis research studies currently ongoing.

Would you like to contribute to this? Your insights matter. 

By taking a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire, you can help researchers understand your needs and experiences better and create the best solution for you and others like you.


  • Your answers are confidential and anonymous.

  • The questionnaire takes just a few minutes to complete.

  • Every voice counts – yours included!

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