Clinical Trials

Types of Clinical Trials

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Samantha Trolli

Published 16 Dec 2022 - Updated 16 Dec 2022

Types of Clinical Trials - Infiuss Health

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    Clinical trials are studies that test the safety and effectiveness of new treatments, drugs, or devices. They can be used to help find better ways to prevent or treat a disease. Clinical trials may also tell us more about how diseases progress and develop over time. If researchers discover a new treatment that works well for most people with the disease being studied, it may become an approved treatment option for everyone who has that disease. There are many different types of clinical trials, for example there are prevention, screening, and treatment clinical trials. 

    Prevention clinical trials

    Prevention clinical trials are designed to prevent the onset of a disease, condition or disorder through the use of drugs, vaccines or other treatments. These studies accomplish this by testing whether a certain treatment, drug or procedure can prevent a disease in people who have never had the disease or who are at high risk for having it. Usually a prevention clinical trial is conducted with healthy people who hope to avoid a particular disease in the future.

    Prevention clinical trials are done with healthy people at high risk for a disease and with people who have had the disease or condition in the past.

    These trials help find out if treatments can prevent a disease from coming back, or if they can be used to protect someone from getting sick in the first place. They test whether certain medicines, vitamins, vaccines, minerals, or other supplements can prevent disease. For example, prevention clinical trials may test drugs that treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, heart disease and other conditions. They also may test vaccines against infections such as hepatitis B (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV).

    These trials also try to identify new ways to prevent the disease from returning. Prevention trials may be used to determine whether a drug or other therapy can prevent the disease from returning in patients who have been treated for cancer. These trials also try to identify new ways to prevent the disease from returning. Some prevention clinical trials study lifestyle changes to prevent disease, such as changing diet habits or increasing exercise levels.

    Treatment clinical trials

    Treatment clinical trials are designed to test a treatment method or intervention. They focus on evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a particular drug, device, or treatment in people who have a certain condition. In this type of trial, researchers will try to determine whether the new treatment is effective in treating a specific disease by conducting research that includes several phases.

    These studies test new methods of treatment to see whether they are safe and effective. They may be conducted before the drug is approved for use in a particular condition, or after it has been approved but before patients have started using it.

    Treatment Clinical Trials test new ways to treat cancer -- including new drugs, new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy, and new combinations of existing treatments.

    • Phase I Treatment Clinical Trials are small studies that evaluate the safety of a drug before it is tested in larger numbers of people. They may also be used for testing the effectiveness of a treatment by evaluating how well it works against different types of cancer or other diseases.
    • Phase II Treatment Clinical Trials include larger numbers of participants than phase I clinical trials and allow investigators to compare two or more options for treating patients with cancer at the same time.
    • Phase III Treatment Clinical Trials compare treatments against one another in large, controlled settings (like hospitals).

    Screening clinical trials

    The purpose of a screening clinical trial is to see if a new screening test or exam works and is accurate. Screening studies are the best way to develop a new way to test for a particular disease or condition. The primary goal of this type of study is to establish whether a certain type of screening is beneficial and effective for people with a specific condition, such as heart disease or cancer. Screening studies can also be used to identify the best time in life for someone to be screened for a certain illness. In this type of study, people who are healthy and at risk are tested early in their lives and then again at regular intervals (usually yearly).

    Screening studies don’t usually involve treatments. This type of study often involves the collection of data that can be used to learn more about a certain way of testing. These trials are commonly done for research purposes, but some do include treatments. Many types of people participate in screening clinical trials. You do not need to have a certain disease, but typically people who are at higher risk are chosen to participate. Your doctor may recommend you to a specific screening trial if you are at risk. If you decide to participate, your doctor will tell you more about the specific information and risks involved with the trial. Although screening clinical trials can be done with people who don't have any signs or symptoms (healthy people) or people who have signs or symptoms of cancer.

    There are two types of screening trials:

    • Screening trials that include people who don't have any signs or symptoms (healthy people) and
    • Screening trials that include people who have signs or symptoms of cancer.

    Clinical trials are important for helping scientists discover new treatments for existing diseases.

    There are many different types of clinical trials and each one has a slightly different purpose. Your doctor will let you know if your condition qualifies for one type, or another. Whether you are interested in participating or not, it is important to know that clinical trials are taking place all around us. But, if you are interested in conducting or participating in a clinical trial, reach out to us today at 

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